Washington 6, Philadelphia 9

(from the Washington Times; click to enlarge)

The Senators' Steamboat Bill Otey, owner of 100.2 Major League innings and an ERA just north of 5, pitched what was probably one of the better games of his career... until the 8th inning when a monumental crooked number let the A's get their first big comeback win of the year. Washington fought back to make it interesting in the 9th, but it wasn't enough to stave off defeat.
I won't write much about this game, but you can still read about it in full here.
Tomorrow Colby Jack Coombs takes on the legendary Walter Johnson as the A's go for the sweep.
* A situation which the legions of regular readers of this blog may have to get used to.

[Today's source for box score and image: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1911-04-28/ed-1/seq-14/;words=Athletics]

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