Washington 2, Athletics 11

I found a great game account from the Washington Times (also the source of the above cartoon - click to enlarge it), and rather than me tell you what happened, I think I'll just quote it at length*:
What was it that Admiral Phillips said at the battle of Santiago when he looked from his ship at the poor Spaniards? It was about cheering and dying, wasn't it? Yes**. Well, the same thing might well have been said when "Malaria John" Coombs, aided and abetted by eight fiends from the lower regions mauled and mangled Jimmy McAleer's band of Nationals. The White Elephants had been saving themselves up at Boston in order to take revenge upon McAleer's team. They did. Ow! It hurt, too.For a thorough report of the rest of the game, the Times' game report (written by "SENATOR") is well worth a read. Since I would do no better than "Senator" recounting the game, I'll just offer a few of my own observations.
John Coombs was reported in the morning to be ill at his home in Kennebunkport, Me. Yes, he had lost thirty-five pounds In five weeks, was a very sick man, couldn't move, and all that kind of junk. So he walked into the box and gave the Nationals just three wee hits and one of those was a weary thing, born of error of judgment. Yes, Coombs is a sick man, but save us from such sick men on this trip. "Long Tom" Hughes warmed up, and the fans decided that the battle was to be to the death. It was, too, and we quickly died. In the second Danny Murphy hooked the pill over the right field barrier, the ball bouncing up on to a piazza and into a window of a dwelling house. Then in the fourth Frank Baker repeated this stunt, lifting the pellet over that same fence.
- I know this all happened a hundred years ago, but it feels good to get a big win.
- Would someone please tell me why we don't get cartoons in the paper recapping games anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the access to video replays and pitch-by-pitch accounts that we now have at our fingertips. But would it kill the Inquirer to throw together a cartoon like this every morning to give us the gist of things?
- I was impressed that Matt Holliday came back so quickly from having his appendix removed, but here's Jack Coombs pitching a three-hitter with malaria. He lost 35 pounds in five weeks!
- The box scores I've been seeing haven't all been complete, but I'm fairly sure these are the first two home runs that team has hit this season. They only hit 35 total on the year (remember, it's deadball). I believe A's pitchers also have yet to give up any homers.
- I was impressed that the visiting Senators took part in the pre-game ceremonies of raising the A's championship pennant. They paraded out to the flagpole with their captain "waving an imaginary baton" as he led the bunch. Sportsmanship!
* In case you're wondering, I can do all of this, because it's all in the public domain now. I certainly don't intend to pass any of it off as my own, and all credit is due to the unnamed writer of the piece. I love this old writing, and just want people to be able to read it.
** A reference to the Spanish American War, of course. "Do not cheer," Phillips admonished his victorious sailors, "men are dying."
Today's source from the Washington Times, via the Library of Congress: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1911-04-26/ed-1/seq-15/;words=Mack+Connie
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